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Admission Policy
Children of active pledging parishioners will be given priority to the extent class size allows in all grades. If there are more children registering for any grade than there are spaces available, the children will be accepted in the following order:
First – Siblings of parish families whose children currently attend St. Vincent de Paul School.
Second – Siblings of non-parishioner families currently attending St. Vincent de Paul school K-8
Third - Other parish families will be taken in order of their registration in the Parish.
Children of other/new St. Vincent parishioners will be admitted, providing the family agrees to support the parish by becoming registered and contributing parishioners.
Children of registered and contributing parishioners of other parishes having no school will also be admitted. Parish guidelines for tuition will be followed.
Children of other faiths are welcome providing the class size permits.
These priorities are guidelines only. The pastor and principal shall have broad discretionary authority in the application of these guidelines in specific situations
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