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Welcome to the wonderful world of kindergarten! Kindergarten is a fun year. This year, the kids get to meet their 7th grade "buddies". They do lots of activities with their older friends including crafts. They do a big science project about a habitat, and create that habitat in the classroom. The kindergarten year brings many new challenges and much growth for our students. The student’s reading abilities begin to emerge along with more complex math and science skills.


First Grade


This is a year of many firsts: students get to have their own desk and books, they begin writing homework assignments in their planners, they review the writing process, write a non-fiction report on their favorite animal, and build the animal from recycled materials! Learning adventures include visits to an apple orchard, screening an Earth Day movie, and a day at the zoo.  Following the example of their sixth grade buddies, first graders are shown how they can help others while doing service projects.


Second Grade


In second grade students will be identifying dinosaurs and theorizing as to why they died out, expire the water cycle, and how force effects motion.  In religion, the main focus is learning the Ten Commandments, receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation in the fall, and receiving the Eucharist in the spring.  Of course, cursive is a rite of passage in second grade, and by the end of the year the students will write like John Hancock!  There is always something new and exciting to do and learn in second grade.



Third Grade


In third grade the students responsibilities are emphasized. They are expected to use their assignment pads and are held accountable for their work. The expectations also rise with respect to the students' learning. In the third grade they will learn multiplication, division and fractions. They are expected to write with description and details. The students' are responsible in their book clubs that they are engaged in throughout the year. They continue to learn about the Catholic faith and are looked to as examples for the younger students for Christ-like behavior.  


Fourth Grade


Fourth grade is all about mastering organization and balancing a heavier homework load.  In health, nutrition, first aid, the digestive system, and learning about making healthy choices is studied.  Social studies is focused on Ohio.  Students take a walk through time from the first settlers to modern day Ohioans.  In math, they master  2 and 3 digit multiplication as well as long division.  In science, the annual Knowledge Fair encourages students to explore using the scientific process.  Different landforms are studies as well as erosion, deposition, weatherings, fossils, and matter.  In language arts, students will write narrative, opinion, and informational pieces. In reading, a variety of genres are read and further explored as students are ask to show their understanding of the meaning of what they have read in a verity of ways.  in a monthly book report.  four grades's main focus in religion is developing a deeper understanding of the meaning of Reconciliation, the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes.  Learning is further enhanced with trips to the Ohio Statehouse, as well as Flint Ridge in Newark. 


Fifth Grade


Fifth grade is a special year due to flexible seating in the classroom. In social studies, students research a Native American tribe culminating in a final project called the "Potlatch". Fifth grade is also the year of Battle of the Books and inter school reading "quiz" competition. In science, students learn more in depth concepts of the Solar System and participate in science fair. In the Spring, a field trip is taken to the Lutheran Memorial Camp to participate in outdoor education and conservation. 


Sixth Grade

Students begin to take on more responsibility.  They enjoy meeting and doing activities such at STEM with their first grade buddies. In science they study soil, rocks, and minerals and do a STEM project involving the type of soil that is best for tomato plant growth. They also participate in a collaboration with Kenyon College chesty students which culminates on a visit to do a laban Kenyon College lab as part as their physical science unit. This is their first yer to do a science experiment for the Science fair. If they receive a superior they have the opportunity to move on to District and State competition. Students participate in the annual bike/hike riding to Gambier and back via the bike trail. They also develop acting skills as part of the Jr. High play and musical each spring. They culminate the year by going on a three day Jr. High trip. 


Seventh Grade


In seventh grade students spend their time learning about worldwide cultures through social studies and literature. The scientific process and research skills continue to develop and are challenged in a science fair.  Public speaking skills are gained when students prepare and deliver a speech.  Seventh graders have the opportunity to participate in the creative writing team for Power of the Pen as well as participate in the Battle of the Books.  The seventh graders also take on the responsibility of helping the new kindergartners become a part of their school “family.” Spring activities include the junior high musical and an Ohio based three-day trip.


Eighth Grade



Eighth grade is an exciting year! Students take field trips to Camp Ohio (to do the high ropes course) and other cooperative, hands on physical education experience.  Students have the opportunity to design the school yearbook, continue to lead in  in Civics Club, help write the Christmas play and plan the Spring musical. Academically they have the options to shine in Science Fair, Civic Oration, Power of the Pen, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, and Battle of the Books. The STV families are led by the 8th graders through may religious and civic minded activities. Eighth graders lead Living Rosary  and the Stations of the Cross for the school. Service is at the forefront as they use their gifts and talents. We are always sad to see them graduate, but remind them that STV is always a place to come home to. 



6th- 8th Grade Math 


Having built a strong foundation in mathematics in K-5, students cab begin to develop an understanding of more abstract mathematical concepts such as geometry, algebra, and statistics. Students use hands on techniques such as algebra tiles to develop their math skills. Students who successfully complete seventh grade math and are excelling in math have the opportunity to take Algebra I in 8th grade. Students who successfully complete Algebra I will be given high school credit for the class. 





We have a rich music program at St. Vincent in which students experience a wide range of performance opportunities. Each Fall we prepare and present an original Christmas play.Students have a lot of input in how the play is formed, each class improvising and composing a new Christmas song. The upper school presents a spring musical, and recent productions have included Into the Woods, Mary Poppins, Singingin the Rain, and The Sound of Music. 

We also presents a spring musicale with our K-3rd grades , in which they use a theme to guide the song sections. Past shows have included songs of Ireland, Baseball songs, Space flight and songs from the WWII era. The 4th grade presents what they have learned  to play the recorder, and 5th grade learns about percussion through Japanese Taiko drumming. Each school year finds us focusing on a different musical  era ranging from renaissance to  impressionists. Whether it be music of the Middles Ages or Rock and Roll, the musical learning experience is alway extensive. 





Each art year kicks off with the drawing center. As students develop their drawing skills and demonstrate good stewardship of basic material, they "unlock" more specialized material. Furthermore, students' consistent maintenance of the Drawing Center is rewarded with the opening of an adjacent Sculpture Center, then a Painting Center, and so on. By the middle of the Fall semester, the Art room looks less like a K-8 classroom and more like a collegiate studio, with student artists pursuing complex ideas at the media centers if their choice. 

Your students- artists have ambitious ideas( such a collaborating with peers and multipage comic, or staging a puppet drama) that might take weeks to realize and wouldn't fit into class-wide lesson plans. Accordingly, art standards are not taught by one size fits all projects, but by daily technical demonstrations and class wide art history critical thinking discussions. 







Kindergarten - 8th Grade Curriculum


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Pastor: Father Mark Hammond


Principal: Cecelia Pitt


Office Manager: Colleen Wendt


Preschool Director: Leslie Buehrer


Marketing & Website: Brooke Adams


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                      St. Vincent de Paul School
                      206 E. Chestnut St.
                      Mount Vernon, OH 43050
                      phone 740-393-3611

                      fax 740-393-0236




St. Vincent de Paul School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights privileges, programs, and activities made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of it's educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administrated programs.


 © 2025 St. Vincent de Paul School

Last Updated: 1/31/2025

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