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Welcome Our New Principal, Cecelia Pitt!

Dear St Vincent de Paul Community,

My name is Cecelia PItt and I am humbled and honored to serve as the principal at St Vincent de Paul School. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you already this summer and I look forward to meeting all of you as we approach the start of the school year.

I grew up in MIllersport, Ohio where I attended kindergarten through twelfth grade. I studied at Walsh University, in North Canton and I spent a summer at Walsh’s abroad campus in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. Upon graduation from Walsh, I accepted a position at St Mary School in Lancaster, Ohio. I relocated to Newark, Ohio and I spent 8 years at Wilson Middle School. During my tenure at Wilson I pursued and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration with the hope of returning to the Catholic School System in a leadership capacity.

I currently live in Newark, Ohio with my husband, Kyle, our two daughters, Ella (4) and Camilla (1) and our dog, Georgia Peach. We enjoy travelling, spending time with family and being outside as much as we can!

I am grateful for the support of this incredible school community. I can assure you that in the nine years I have spent in the classroom, I have not met a more dedicated staff. I am excited to begin the year and for all the exciting things that are coming to St Vincent de Paul School!

I am keeping your families in my prayers and I ask you to pray for me as we begin a new school year!

Cecelia Pitt

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