Quick access to information that our parents may need throughout the school year
Parents Resources
Family Portal Login
Every family at St. Vincent de Paul has access to
FACTS family portal. This is your direct line of communication to the school. If you do not have login information, please call the school for assistance. (740) 393-3611
School Supply Lists
for the 2023 - 2024 School Year
Inclement Weather Policy
If there is a need to cancel or delay school due to weather conditions, school families can receive this information in the following ways:
Receive an email/text via FACTS if the family has chosen that option
Posted on our Facebook Page
Listen to 1300 WMVO AM or 93.7 WQIO FM radio stations
Watch TV channels 4, 6, 10 or 28
Please listen for St. Vincent de Paul School. Do not assume that we will follow what the other area schools will be doing.
Preschool will not have class when St. Vincent de Paul School is closed for a calamity or snow day. If St. Vincent de Paul School is on a one-hour delay, the morning preschool class will begin at 9:00 a.m. (regular time). If St. Vincent de Paul School is on a two hour delay, the morning preschool class will begin at 9:45 a.m. and dismiss at their regular time of 11:30 a.m. for 2 Days, 3 Days & 5 Day Flex Program and Noon for Pre-K.
Blue Streak Cafe Lunch
The fee for a hot lunch is $3.00 per lunch. Each lunch purchased includes a choice of white or chocolate milk. Lunches must be paid for in advance in the school office. Milk may be purchased for 35 cents in the school office. Please see FACTS for the weekly hot lunch menu.
The St. Vincent de Paul School dismissal policy reads as follows for grades Kindergarten-8th grades:
School is dismissed at 2:30pm.
Students waiting for parents must wait inside the High Street doors or the doors to the parking lot. Students will not be allowed on the playground or in the gym without direct adult supervision.
Children who are walking should leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal.
All children not picked up by 2:45 will be asked to wait in the office. If children have not been picked up by the time the office is to close (3:00), children will be sent down to SACCP (after school care) and parents will be responsible for payment.
Please understand this Policy is not in place to be unfriendly but it is in place for the safety and protection of our students, staff, and our school.
Heart Safe School
For more information, please contact 740-393-3611 or stvincent@cdeducation.org