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Spelling Bee Competition 2022

Our annual spelling bee competition begins this week. All 1st-8th grade students will partake in their own classroom spelling bee. The final 3 spellers will move on to the semi-finals on Monday. There will be a 1st-4th grade division and a 5th-8th grade division. Then, the final 3 of each division (6 students) will move on to the final spelling competition on Tuesday. Parents are welcome to come on Monday and Tuesday to watch the semi-finals and finals. Time are to be announced later.

To recap:

Monday, November 14-Study spelling lists went home with students

Friday, November 18-Classroom spelling bees will be held to determine each classes top 3.

Monday, November 21-Semi-Finals 1st-4th grades (12 students) and Semi-Finals 5th-8th grades (12 students) will be held to determine each divisions top 3. Parents invited.

Tuesday, November 22-Spelling Bee Finals 1st-8th grades (top 6 students) will be held. Parents invited.

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