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Meet our 5th Grade Teacher: Mrs. Kelly Duston

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Mrs. Duston has been teaching at St. Vincent since 2018. She is a graduate of Mount

Vernon High School and Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Before coming to St. Vincent, Mrs. Duston taught 3rd grade and Kindergarten for seven years in Columbus public schools. Mrs. Duston lives in Mount Vernon with her husband, son, and dog and enjoys playing softball, ultimate Frisbee and other sports. Mrs. Duston is glad to be a part of the St. Vincent School family - and we are very grateful to have her apart of our family!

What awards have you ever received in you life?

MVNU Opportunity Grant - I had to propose an idea to the MVNU president of how I would make Mount Vernon a better place. I received a large sum of money to help prepare elementary students/families for back to school by purchasing their school supply lists. I won the same Opportunity Grant the following year to extend my project to a particular family I helped the previous year. I used the money to start up a home make over project for this family. This is how I met my husband Nate! (We renovated his grandparents house which was where his mom and siblings were living at the time)

What do you enjoy most about work?

I enjoy making the students laugh. I love being silly with my students and make connections with them and their families. I truly want the parents to just be an extension to my classroom.

When you're not working, what do you do?

I spend time with my husband Nate, our son Quinn (4), and our dog, Bear. We like visiting parks and taking random trips to Whit's Ice Cream!

If you won the lottery, what would you do first?

Pay off student loans! Not responsible answer...Disney!

What was the last experience you had that made you a stronger person?

My second year teaching at St. Vincent, I lost my grandparents two weeks apart. They were like my second set of parents. They were teachers and a big part of why I became a teacher myself. They shared my passion for connecting with colleagues, students and families and always going above and beyond. I was overwhelmed with the support form our STV community during this time. My faith was strengthened and my love for our STV community was solidified. I know I am where God wants me to be.

What was the first thing you bought with your own money?

Pretty sure it was a Reese Cup! haha...but with my first teaching paycheck I got a fancy laminator with a ton of lamination pouches! I still have it and use it all the time!

The best part about waking up?

Coffee and knowing I get to go to a job that I love!

We thank Mrs. Duston for participating in our Meet the Teacher feature! We are grateful for your dedication!

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