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Lightning Strike Update: October 22

Way to go Powell family for staying our ticket sales leader two weeks in a row!

Our new runner-up this week is the Duston Family!

Thank you to every family and individual that has supported this fundraiser. We are excited to announce that we are at the HALFWAY mark with 500 tickets sales so far.

If you have sold tickets, please return them to the school office ASAP.


  • Each ticket is worth 1/2 hour of volunteer time

  • Return all 8 sold tickets to the office by October 29 to be entered into a drawing for $200 CASH (Only 30 families currently eligible!)

  • Family with most ticket sales will receive $500 CASH

  • Return any unsold tickets you are unable to sell so the office can give them to families who wish to sell them -- even if it is one ticket! We need them!

Thank you again to all the St. Vincent de Paul families, friends and supporters!

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