St. Vincent de Paul School in Mount Vernon, Ohio would like to hire three part-time Program Assistants in our School-Age Extended Care program. We are currently looking for staff to cover afternoon hours, Monday - Friday from August 2024 - May 2025 with regular school breaks off.
The Program Assistant will:
• interact with Kindergarten-8th grade students in a loving, positive, joyful manner
• assist with homework, craft activities, science projects, games, ect.
• supervise children in the classroom, on the playground, in the gym, etc.
• help in the classroom in other ways, such as organizing, cleaning, etc.
• provide and assist with snack time while following safety and health guidelines.
The successful candidate will be a good team player, take direction from the program
director, be comfortable upholding the religious (Catholic/Christian) teachings of the school,
be reliable, and preferably will have experience working with children.
If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to the Hannah Newton,
Extended Care Director at hnewton@cdeducation.org
St. Vincent de Paul School 206 East Chestnut Street Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 (740)
393-3611 www.saintvdpschool.org